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9/11 researcher Elias Davidsson, cartoonist Khalil Bendib on TJ Radio Saturday

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 9/18/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page, where Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour will be putting up hyperlinks about matters under discussion.

First hour: Musician, human rights activist, former computer programmer & systems engineer Elias Davidsson.

Elias Davidsson was born in Palestine in 1941. His parents were born in Germany but had to emigrate to Palestine due to the Nazi persecution of Jews. Elias lived his first years Baq’aa, a neighborhood of Jerusalem, where Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in peace side by side. These early years left a deep mark on him. He has lived in France, the United States, and Iceland, and currently resides in Germany.

Elias is circulating the following Declaration:

A. On the basis of the study “No evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11” by Elias Davidsson (2008), that I have carefully examined, and other similar studies, I am now convinced that the U.S. authorities did not prove [beyond reasonable doubt] their account of the mass murder of September 11, 2001, in particular their claim that Muslims/Arabs committed this crime.

B. The presumption of innocence, as a civilised principle, is enshrined in Article 11 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, according to which, every person “charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law (…)” While the presumption of innocence was particularly drafted to protect the rights of persons already charged of a penal offence, it evidently applies to persons who have not even been formally accused of any offence.

C. On the basis of the above findings, I consider the publication and dissemination of the allegation that Muslim/Arabs committed the mass murder of 9/11, as a grievous and unconscionable form of character assassination. Such an allegation violates the principle of the presumption of innocence. It also violates Articles 1, 3, 5 and 8 of the Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists of the International Federation of Journalists, the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists, the Statement of Principles of the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), and Resolution 1003 on the ethics of journalism, adopted by the Council of Europe in 1993.

D. I, therefore, call upon journalists to refrain henceforth from attributing, either directly or indirectly, the commission of the mass murder of 9/11 to Muslims or Arabs or to any Muslim or Islamic organisation; to publicise the unreported fact that the U.S. authorities did not produce any evidence of Muslim/Arab participation in the actual mass murder of 9/11; and to publish an apology to the families of those maligned, without foundation, for the mass murder of 9/11.

Elias envisions a two-phase process:

In the first phase, I request an endorsement of this Declaration from known 9/11 truthers who possess an academic background or have published serious research on 9/11. In the second phase, the Declaration with the names of First Endorsers will be sent to academics, authors and journalists, who are not involved in 9/11, but are sufficiently open-minded to give this Declaration a fair hearing, and possibly endorse it. The aim is to provide one more bridge helping doubters to cross over.

Second hour: Khalil Bendib, America’s leading Muslim political cartoonist: “The pen is funnier than the sword!”

One Thought to “9/11 researcher Elias Davidsson, cartoonist Khalil Bendib on TJ Radio Saturday”

  1. Anonymous

    I listened to yesterday’s show late last night, and although I was dozing off, I thought I heard that you were thinking of changing you music. I want to take this opportunity to urge you not to change your music.
    For long-time listeners such as myself, Lennon’s music is an integral part of your show – it just wouldn’t be the same without it or with some other music.
    I believe that John Lennon and what he stood for is more important now than ever, and his song “Gimme Some Truth” should be our anthem. I remember when it came out back in ’72 or ’73, and I thought “wow, he sure is over-reacting, and I wonder what he means by this. Who is lying to him? “ Of course. I understand now what he meant, and think about what his life was like knowing that he was being spyed on and threatened by the US gov’t.
    With his 70th birthday coming up on October 9th, I would suggest that you have a show commemorating his life and the lessons that can be learned from him.
    I’d love to see a new investigation into his death also, but won’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

    Please don’t take John Lennon out of your show.

    Thanks Kevin for your tireless efforts on behalf of truth and justice.

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