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Mick Harrison of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discusses the Grand Jury Petition announced today at the press conference on the steps of City Hall in New York. (Read the Petition’s executive summary and full text.) The petition’s 54 pages and 57 exhibits address the evidence falsifying the government’s official story of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.
In this interview we discuss the Petition, its prospects for success, and back-up plans in case of possible setbacks. Other topics include 9/11 survivors’ lawsuits against Saudi Arabia under the JASTA act (recently given a legal “thumbs up” by Judge Daniels); the abundant evidence falsifying the official narrative of 9/11 going far beyond the case for controlled demolition of the World Trade Center; and much more.
For a detailed article on the filing of the Grand Jury Petition, see Andrew Kreig’s article “Lawyers To Petition DoJ Demanding 9/11 Grand Jury Investigation of WTCs 1, 2 and 7.”