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LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on Gaza, WW2 revisionism, open borders; Wyatt Peterson on JFK-9/11 Coups (with “call-in” from Laurent Guyénot)

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio—later archived at

First hour: Alan Sabrosky , once Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College and more recently “the most censored man in America” makes his “first Friday of the month” appearance. He writes:

“Preferred topics for today:

1. Gaza conflict – my “take” on it.

2. Tucker Carlson & the historian on WWII (origins & conduct)

3. Europe and its “open borders” (I would like to discuss what happened to the German women’s anti-migrant group)

4. That last FFWN item “US Navy Dismisses Warship Commander After Photo of Backward Rifle Scope” & parallels elsewhere

5. I would like to outline verbally the conclusion to my work on “America’s Endgame” since I may not be able to write it….

And of course anything you would like to raise.”

Second hour: Wyatt Peterson, False Flag Weekly News co-host and author of Perfidy of Zion, discusses his latest article “Israel Did 9/11” and the previous one “Parallels: JFK RFK 9/11.”  Laurent Guyénot, author of JFK-9/11 and From Yahweh to Zion, joins us halfway through the hour.

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