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One of the most vibrantly alive people I met, André Vltchek, just died. Though he barely made it past his mid-fifties he got in a lot more living than a hundred average Americans who live to collect their pensions. Allah yarhamhu.
In honor of this great Truth Jihadi we’re replaying this 2018 interview:
André Vltchek on West’s sadistic personality disorder (originally broadcast May 2, 2018)
The West claims to be the “free world”—the global leader in human rights, humanitarianism, and free expression. Globetrotting independent journalist André Vltchek, who joins us from Borneo, isn’t buying it. His latest essay begins:
Western culture is clearly obsessed with rules, guilt, submissiveness and punishment.
By now it is clear that the West is the least free society on Earth. In North America and Europe, almost everyone is under constant scrutiny: people are spied on, observed, their personal information is being continually extracted, and the surveillance cameras are used indiscriminately.
Life is synchronized and managed. There are hardly any surprises.
One can sleep with whomever he or she wishes (as long as it is done within the ‘allowed protocol’). Homosexuality and bisexuality are allowed. But that is about all; that is how far ‘freedom’ usually stretches.
Rebellion is not only discouraged, it is fought against, brutally. For the tiniest misdemeanors or errors, people end up behind bars. As a result, the U.S. has more prisoners per capita than any other country on Earth, except the Seychelles.
Andre Vltchek’s latest book is : The Great October Socialist Revolution: Impact on the World and Birth of Internationalism