Broadcast here October 3rd, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com.
First half hour: James Petras, one of the world’s leading sociologists, is a contributor to Orlando False Flag: The Clash of Histories. In this interview, Petras compares “wholesale bombing,” and the wholesale destruction of peoples and countries it entails, with the minuscule damage caused by “retail bombing” (like the recent bomb scares in New York and New Jersey).
See his new article: The Politics Of Bombing: Wholesale, Retail And Improvised
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel asks the hard questions |
Second half hour: Jeremy Rothe-Kushel is a leading We Are Change activist who was illegally arrested (i.e. kidnapped) on May 9th, 2016 at the Kansas City Public Library for asking a question of a speaker at a public event during the Q&A. A librarian, Steven Woolfolk, was also kidnapped, brutalized, and injured, for telling the Israel-linked “security” goons they shouldn’t arrest a library patron for asking a question at a public event.
Below is the write-up Jeremy sent me; also note the Kansas City Star article on Library officials defending him and Steven Woolfolk and the BORDC article on the affair.
From Jeremy:
Library Patron and Librarian Facing Charges Following Arrests by Homeland Security Liaison During Public Q&A with former Ambassador Dennis Ross
Independent documentarian, political analyst and peace activist Jeremy Rothe-Kushel was grabbed and arrested while starting to respond at the microphone during a question and answer period following a presentation by Dennis Ross at an event open to the public at the Kansas City Public Library.
The event, “Truman and Israel,” was co-presented by the Kansas City Public Library, the Truman Library Institute and the Jewish Community Foundation (JCF) of Greater Kansas City on the evening of May 9th, 2016 at the Plaza Branch of the Kansas City Public Library. After introductions by representatives of the JCF and the Truman Library, and a brief video message from former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, former United States Ambassador to Israel Dennis Ross gave the featured presentation.
Ross, who got his significant start in the U.S. Executive Branch under Paul Wolfowitz at the Pentagon during the Carter Administration, has been a key figure in failed negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis over the decades, and is now a counselor and distinguished fellow at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) off-shoot Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP). Parenthetically, Ross was on the panel when WINEP senior fellow, director of research and head of its Iran Security Initiative, Patrick Lyell Clawson made his infamous 2012 statement on “crisis initiation” and the potential future role of deceptive covert operations in the hard task of “how the United States President can get us to war with Iran.”
Rothe-Kushel, who RSVP’d for the event and was apparently pre-targeted due to his prior public speech and press activity, was singled out for search by the JCF’s private security detail that evening before being allowed into the event. The search turned up books, a camera, notebooks, pens and other items fully coherent with rights protected under the First Amendment. The search also showed that Rothe-Kushel and his associate had no weapons, no contraband, and were friendly. After the search, Rothe-Kushel and his associate were allowed to go into the event along with the hundreds of other members of the public who were not searched.
After the presentation, microphones were set up for a question and answer period and Rothe-Kushel was the first person to ask a question. While Rothe-Kushel was still at the microphone, the director of the private security detail grabbed his arm from behind while he was mid-sentence and forced him away from the microphone. Additional private security, including an off-duty detective and liaison to Homeland Security who works with the Kansas City Regional Terrorism Early Warning Interagency Analysis Center, then surrounded, ejected and handcuffed Mr. Rothe-Kushel.
Steven Woolfolk, assistant director of programming and marketing at the Kansas City Public Library, and the Library employee who helped organize the event, was also handcuffed and charged with interfering with the arrest of Rothe-Kushel. Rothe-Kushel was charged with trespassing and resisting arrest. At this time, Mr. Rothe-Kushel and Mr. Woolfolk both continue to face charges.
Below is a transcript of the conversation between Rothe-Kushel and Ross leading up to the arrest:
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel:
Hi, thank you. I’m very interested in the issue of tribalism and terror. Just today, I ran into an article referencing Truman’s daughter’s, Margaret’s book, disclosing that the Stern Gang sent mail bombs to Truman in ‘47, and we know that when I think – I can’t remember which group blew up the King David Hotel, but Jews were amongst the dead involved in that ‘necessary statecraft’, what ultimately became that. So you see this long history of not only the United States, but Israel utilizing terrorism that includes potentially the death of its own tribe to advance its own geopolitical cause all the way up into the 21st century, including September 11th and that whole mess that I would tell people to look at Alan Sabrosky, the Jewish, courageous Marine who’s exposed the Zionist role in that. So I would ask you, at what point does the Jewish diaspora – do we have to have the ethical courage – I’m a Jewish American –
[At this point, a woman seated in the audience very conspicuously begins and continues waving her hand at a woman apparently moderating at the other microphone]
to point out that especially in America, both the countries that operate in our name have used terrorism way too long, including against its own citizens, to project power at home and abroad. When are we going to stand up and be ethical Jews and Americans?
Dennis Ross:
Well, look, I don’t think that as a matter of policy, that the United States or Israel engage in acts of terror. Terror is you target deliberately civilians for an expressed political purpose. The idea that Israel had something to do with 9/11 is just outrageous – they had nothing to do with it. [Applause]
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel:
Tell that to the Marine. Tell that to the Marine, Alan Sabrosky.
[At this point, the woman moderating at the other microphone and facing the audience, the head of security and the sound board operators, begins motioning and waving her hand back and forth over her head, apparently signaling Hawkins and perhaps someone at the sound board]
Look him up, Jewish American Marine.
Dennis Ross:
You know what? You can make up whatever you want to.
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel:
I didn’t make that up.
Dennis Ross:
Well, I’m a big believer – as Patrick– Daniel Patrick Moynihan used to say, everybody’s entitled to their own opinions; they’re just not entitled to their own facts. [Applause]
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel:
True—–, Go look at September —- [–mic being cut in and out] …. [off mic] free fall speed
[As Rothe-Kushel’s video shows, while at the microphone beginning to respond to Dennis Ross, his upper left arm was grabbed with force, with no apparent warning, from behind by the head of the Jewish Community Foundation’s private security detail, and pushed away from the microphone and towards another, currently unidentified, member of security.]
[At this time, Dennis Ross begins to move on to the next question, by stating the following:]
Dennis Ross:
Okay, you know what? I will accept the question and we can ignore that.