Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 7/13/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page.

Second hour: William Ramsey is the author of Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order, which has just gone into a second edition with lots of new material. If you’re interested such issues as 9/11 as a ritual human sacrifice by satanists (a hypothesis for which there is surprisingly good evidence, as scholar Tom Breidenbach points out), the possible involvement of the illuminati, and the relationship between 9/11 and the New World Order – or just curious about such outrageous-sounding claims – this show is for you!
Just an FYI about what loose cannons like me are doing within the 9/11 Truth Movement – Grassroots.
Recent letters, including an A&E flier and the Oklahoma City Bombing documentary Noble Lie, have been sent out to a number of organizations within Purdue University and Muslim groups within the state.
I have ordered a quantity of A&E newspapers that will be sent to a number of embassies in Washington, DC along with a letter.
Once the weather cools down a bit, I'll be distributing papers at the community farmers market.You
Considering I still have a number of Rock Creek last editions, these will be distributed on campus in August and September.
You may be aware that Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels has been named Purdue University's new president by people he recently appointed to the board! Great system. All corporate hacks. No academics and not a one has a PhD including Daniels.
Thanks for the update!
Sounds like Purdue is sinking into the same swamp of mediocrity as Wisconsin.
You seem indefatigable and thoroughly enjoyed the Illuminati shows!
Adair and Makow were right on the money!
I'm listening to you with Hufferd, right now.
Hats off, Kevin. These were great shows!
Keep up the Truth Jihad!
"I have ordered a quantity of A&E newspapers that will be sent to a number of embassies in Washington, DC along with a letter."
Please don't waste your time and effort here — they're all in the SAME loop. This is the truth.