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“Give Peace (and Truth) a Chance” radio special w/Kathy Kelly and Ken Jenkins

Kathy Kelly and Ken Jenkins: Saturday 5/9/2009, 5-7 pm Central,
Call-in number: 5

To be archived at:

Tomorrow I will be interviewing two of the most dedicated and eloquent peace activists you’ll ever meet. We’ll be discussing their engagement in what may be the most important task of our time: helping war join chattel slavery, witch-hunting, and ritual human sacrifice as outmoded institutions of a bygone barbaric age. (With today’s weapons, including mind-control weapons, war is now clearly far more horrific and disgusting than than these earlier institutions ever were.)

Saturday, May 9th, 5-7 pm Central (6-8 p.m. Eastern), on American Freedom Radio: First hour: Ken Jenkins,

Ken Jenkins is the author of the new article “The Truth is Not Enough: How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth” which has been going viral during the past week. An electrical engineer and videographer, Ken has been working for 9/11 truth since 2001, and has worked extensively with Dr. David Ray Griffin. In a recent email, Ken wrote: ” I am committed to ending war on this planet. And 9/11 truth is, IMO, the only issue that has the potential to do just that. By opening people’s minds to the fact that the so called ‘war on terror’ was started with a false flag deception mass murder, we open up the space for the greater truth that virtually ALL wars are started based on deceptions, often including the false flag aspect. Thus we have the potential to bust the war game for good.”

Second hour: Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly is the author of Other Lands Have Dreams: from Baghdad to Pekin. A war tax resister and practitioner of civil disobedience/civil resistance, Kathy was threatened with 12 years in prison for bringing medicine and toys to Iraq, and has served terms of nine months in Lexington maximum security prison, and three months at Pekin federal prison, for planting corn on missile silo sites and trespassing on army property at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Last January she was in Gaza during the last days of Operation Cast Lead, and more recently has spent time in Nevada protesting the killer drones at Creech Air Force Base that are used to slaughter civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Though I met her in person during my congressional campaign last year, this will be her first appearance on my radio show.

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