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LIVE RADIO! Salim Mansur: Trump as Peacemaker? Celia Farber on Deadliest Vaccine in History

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link Bitchute link First hour: Salim Mansur discusses his new article: “What Is the Essential Requirement for a Peacemaker? Remove the beam out of one’s eye, as Jesus commands.” In it he notes: “The Ukraine war will end sooner than later, if not it will greatly impede Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ domestic agenda. But this is not the case with the Gaza genocide of Palestinians by Israelis and, consequently, there is no end on the horizon for the conflict in West Asia.” Salim Mansur is a Professor…


LIVE RADIO: Ron Unz Asks “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?”; Helen Buyniski Says “Atrocities Aren’t Accidents”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rebut Unz, Win Free Books! First hour: Ron Unz of The Unz Review has a knack for marshaling strong arguments supporting heretical perspectives on history and current events. His latest intervention “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” is doubly heretical, managing to offend both vaccine skeptics (or at least those who think the COVID vaccines are a threat on par with or greater than COVID itself) and guardians of orthodoxy (who won’t appreciate Unz’s claim that COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran). In “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID…


Dave Gahary Asks “Am I Responsible for Alex Jones Lawsuit?”

And describes his COVID near-death experience Listen HERE Dave Gahary of American Free Press wonders whether the Alex Jones and Jim Fetzer libel suits are his fault. Dave, after all, produced the viral Wolfgang Halbig interview that drew Infowars into Sandy Hook. And Dave was the original publisher of Jim Fetzer’s edited book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. Should Dave have listened to his American Free Press colleague Michael Collins Piper? As Ron Unz reports, Piper warned early on that Sandy Hook was being used to discredit alternative media: “The Crisis Management Conspirators mesmerized and manipulated American patriots and other skeptics…


Dr. Syed Haider on “Transgender Ideologies Are Child Abuse”

Listen HERE Dr. Syed Haider sent me a press release that begins: “Transsexual and homosexual curriculum in today’s modern school system has become a concern for parents across the nation. It’s easy for anyone to view TikTok videos of teachers who openly admit to promoting their “queer agenda” on underage students. The UCLA Williams Institute released a study based on data from the CDC which conducted 2 surveys from 2017 to 2020.  The study found that nearly half of those who identify as transgender were between the ages of 13 and 24. What’s even more alarming, the researchers found that the number of transgender…


Prof Anthony Hall on Canada’s Truckers Movement & Political Prisoners

 Academic freedom hero Prof. Anthony Hall, who has published numerous articles on scamdemic related issues at Global Research, has put together a great slideshow video interview (watch it above) following the rough outlines of his article “Democracy, Authoritarianism, and the Canadian Truckers Movement.” That article begins: The US Ambassador to Canada, David Cohen, has characterized the members and supporters of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as “extremists” who are “subverting democratic processes and voices to further the cause of authoritarianism.” As reported by Canada’s Global News, Cohen elaborated, “China and Russia are among the actors involved in those attempts to…


Thaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson on “Antichrist Rising: The Plandemic and the Age of Unreality”

Listen HERE Catholic philosophers Thaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson discuss Thaddeus’s new article “What Matters Right Now Is Your Soul.” It begins: “If you are paying attention, you know that the plandemic narrative is on its last legs, although its final death throes seem like eternity and are manifesting as most furious and ruthless—poison injections for babies—as well as most ridiculous and pathetic—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Monkeypox, and Ninja. The injury and death toll from the death shots is rising all over the world, save in the few countries that somehow remained immune to the mass psychosis…” Thaddeus Kozinski is…


Richard Cook on neocons & Ukraine; Francis Boyle on Resisting Medical Tyranny

Richard Cook, the Challenger disaster whistleblower, asks: “Who are the Neocons and what are they trying to do with respect to the Ukraine war? Why are they trying to use the US, UK, and NATO/EU to destroy Russia? How are Biden, Johnson, Scholz, van der Leyen etc. their instruments? Is Zionism part of it? These questions are not being addressed by most commentators. Btw, your essay on Leo Strauss, I thought, was spot-on. The hybrid war against Russia, and against both Christianity and Islam, was right out of that playbook.” Next 30 minutes: International Law professor Francis Boyle discusses his new…


Ron Unz on Neocon Recklessness & COVID Origins

Why Can’t People Face the Evidence that COVID-19 Emerged from a Deliberate Bio-Attack? Listen HERE Ron Unz, publisher of the Unz Review, has just published hard copies of two outstanding books, Our Covid-19 Catastrophe: Was the Epidemic the Result of Biowarfare Blowback? and Encountering American Pravda: Essays in a Historical Counter-Narrative. Our interview begins with a roughly half-hour discussion of why the shockingly persuasive evidence that COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran has largely been ignored (outside of a few alternative media shows like this one). If you are already familiar with that evidence, have listened…


Ray McGinnis on Freedom Convoy vs. Canadian COVID Dystopia

Listen HERE Ray McGinnis, author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored, joins me to discuss his new article “The Freedom Convoy & the Collapse of Canadian Liberalism.” It’s an excellent article. McGinnis’s point—that Trudeau’s ultra-liberalism has somehow morphed into authoritarian totalitarianism—is a good one, and his arguments and evidence are convincing. But I suspect that it isn’t so much that Trudeau has betrayed liberalism, as that liberalism itself is collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions.


John Manley on “Much Ado About Corona”

Listen HERE John Manley, author of the terrific new novel Much Ado About Corona, recently wrote to his readers: Dear Reader, Hot date tonight? Tell ’em you got monkeypox because… Today at 8pm EST I’ll be on Dr. Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad radio show. Barrett is an American Muslim who was expelled from teaching at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2007 for contradicting the official story around 911 (and then writing a book about it). Today he is contradicting the official story around COVID-19. While I’m not Islamic myself, I’ve long been a fan of the Muslim poets Rumi, Omar Khayyam…

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