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LIVE RADIO: Barrie Zwicker & E. Michael Jones Discuss Demise of Democracy

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Patreon page First hour: Canadian media critic Barrie Zwicker warned us back in 2015: “Is Trump a Fascist? It’s Much Worse.” Ironically, Barrie’s article, originally posted at TruthAndShadows, was purged when that site was annihilated by Google for the crime of supporting 9/11 truth. So who’s really the Nazi, Trump or the internet oligarchs? Neither seems especially tolerant of viewpoints that differ from their own. But the internet and legacy media oligarchs seem to be crushing dissent far more successfully than Trump could ever dream of doing.…


FFWN: Coup vs. Counter-Coup?

Watch live 11 to noon Eastern With Prof. Emeritus of Globalization Studies Anthony Hall PSAs 1) Help FFWN Critique the Media that Fabricate “Reality” 2) Coronavirus–An Inside Job. Live Video-Streamed Movie + Webinar Coming Up Sunday, November 29th 3) The Strange Demise of The American Herald Tribune 3A)American Herald Tribune has been shut down by the FBI 3B) More on The Strange Demise of The American Herald Tribune 4) Lawyers’ Committee Petitions Congress To Reopen Anthrax Investigation Election Meltdown 5) “Bush Whisperer” Andrew Card Says Slow Transition = 911-2B 6) Trump administration removes senior defense officials and installs loyalists,…


Ron Unz on Election Train Wreck

Listen HERE Ron Unz may be the most important figure in alternative media. His latest article “Glenn Greenwald Escapes His $100 Million Webzine” examines the massive pre-election suppression of news about Biden corruption scandals. Tonight we’ll discuss our respective takes on the ongoing train wreck of an election, as well as the censorship epidemic surrounding and feeding on it. Ron is skeptical about my endorsement of the work of Jonathan Simon, who suspects that massive voting machine rigging in favor of Republicans has been an ongoing feature of major federal elections since 2004.


FFWN: Was Rigged Election Re-Rigged?

  Watch Saturdays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Unrig the System  Don’t force me to keep making cat videos! 1A) GRATITUDE IS A CHOICE AND KEY TO SURVIVING DURING HARD TIMES Guest host John Shuck’s website: 2) Van Morrison, “No More Lockdown” 2A) Stand Up for American Herald Tribune—Seized and Silenced by DOJ 2B) And for David Icke – Twitter permanently suspends conspiracy theorist David Icke’s account Election Train Wreck 3) Trump Prepares to Launch 2nd Term (and Big False Flag?) Early, Even Without Winning 4) REPORT: TRUMP IS TERRIFIED ABOUT GOING TO PRISON AFTER LOSING THE…


LIVE RADIO! Peter Simpson on “Does It Matter Who Wins the Election?” John Shuck on Plandemic & Censorship

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Philosophy professor Peter Simpson responded to my forthcoming Crescent International article “Does It Really Matter Who Wins the US Presidential Election?” (the short answer is no) writing: “Well I’m afraid I have to agree with your sentiments in the piece you posted (‘afraid’ because it would be nice if things were different). However untypical Trump is as president (for good or ill), he can’t break the system. The reason of course, in my view anyway, is the Constitution, which was written by oligarchs for oligarchs. You didn’t quite…


Dr. Randy Short: Like Many Black Men, I Prefer Trump to Biden—Here’s Why

Listen HERE Pastor and human rights activist Dr. Randy Short recently shared a petition that begins: “Over the last decade, five known suspicious hangings and multiple accidental drownings of African Americans have gripped Delaware’s Kent County’s black community. Despite compelling evidence of foul play and the work of a few committed activists and local politicians, incidents were played down and swiftly filed away.” Do Joe Biden’s alleged Dixie Mafia connections have anything to do with this? We’ll also discuss other Black views of the upcoming election including “Jailbirds for Biden,” “Just 36 Percent of Black Men Think Biden’s Nominating a…


FFWN: Exposing Hoax Election—and “Borat’s Holohoax”—with E. Michael Jones

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays on PSAs 1) Help FFWN (and Trump and Biden?!) Tell the Truth! 2) Take Action: Join CHD in Urging Congress to Investigate the Origins of COVID-19 3) 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops SEE ALSO 3A) Another “Glaring Parallel”: Anti-9/11-Truth Commissar Cass Sunstein Hired by WHO to Brainwash Public to Take Covid Vaccine Presidential Follies 4) Does It Really Matter Who Wins the US Presidential Election? 5) MSM: Disregard Hunter Biden Story, It’s All Russia’s Fault! 6) Trump, like Biden, Has $ in China 7) False flag? October surprise? Attorneys for…


FFWN: Ban “Conspiracy Theories that Justify Real-World Violence” – Like the 9/11 Official Conspiracy Theory?

  Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs  1) Defund the Department of COVIDland Security—Support FFWN Instead! CLICK ON:  2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th Fix America? 3) Help Red-Pill JFK biographer Fredrik Logevall 4) Fix America by Undoing Decades of Privatization War Is Over if You Want It 5) John Lennon at 80: One Man Against the Deep State ‘Monster’ 6) As War Danger Mounts in the Arctic, Peace Hinges on a Revival of the Wallace Doctrine Conspiracy Theorist in Chief? 7) Trump Retweets “Obama Staged Fake Osama Killing”…


Trump Campaign Activist Rolf Lindgren Debates “No Fan of Republicans” John Hankey

Listen HERE Wisconsin-based Trump campaign operative Rolf Lindgren, debates conspiracy filmmaker John Hankey on the 2020 presidential elections. Will Wisconsin “swing” to Trump and help keep the orange archfiend in the White House? It will if Rolf can help it! A former Libertarian activist, Rolf now works with the Wisconsin Republican Party on the Trump for President campaign. As for John Hankey, he has little use for Trump, having gone so far as to accuse our fearless leader of signing off on the COVID-19 strike on China and Iran and then getting vaccinated in November at Bethesda Naval Hospital. (That hypothesis…


LIVE RADIO! Homer Van Meter on “Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story,” John Hankey vs. Rolf Lindgren Election Debate

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Wisconsin lumberjack and author Homer Van Meter recently published Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story. Though thinly-disguised autobiography, it reads like a novel and packs a powerful punch. If Hemingway had been around to predict 9/11 a few days before it happened while on a moose hunting trip, then survive a near-lethal attack triggered by his truth-telling, he might have written something like this. Homer describes himself as “a longtime researcher, investigator, and sometime archaeologist seeking the objective truth about the past and how it relates to the present…

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