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Ron Ridenour on “The Russian Peace Threat”

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Is Russia a threat to peace? Or is peace the threat, and Russia the pretext?

Today’s guest Ron Ridenour says it’s the US military empire that craves endless war. Russia, he says, has been pro-peace and defensive in its orientation since at least the 1917 revolution…and in some ways for centuries before that.

The Russian Peace Threat begins: “United States leaders have the gall to accuse Russia, and the Soviet Union earlier, of being a threat to world peace, of annexing foreign territory, of meddling in the affairs of other nations even the greatest free country in the world, the United States of America. Vladimir Putin himself interfered in the 2016 election so that Hilary Clinton lost the presidency and his friend Donald Trump won. This is truly Double Speak at its best. From the start of Russia’s revolution, the U.S. has attempted to overthrow its governments, starting with an invasion (July 1918). Once defeated, the U.S. has done everything else to badger it, subvert it, surrround and overthrow it.”

Uncompromising chronicler and critic of his times, participant and witness, Ron Ridenour is fully the model for what we might call a “people’s engagé historian.” Born in the USA, the Military Empire, Ron Ridenour rejected the American Dream in 1961, and has since acted as a anti-war, solidarity, and radical activist. He has lived in many countries and worked as a journalist- editor-author-translator for four decades, including for Cuba’s Editorial José Martí and Prensa Latina (1988-96). He has published six books about Cuba (Backfire: CIA’s Biggest Burn and Cuba at Sea), plus Yankee Sandinistas, Sounds of Venezuela, and Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka.

2 Thoughts to “Ron Ridenour on “The Russian Peace Threat””

  1. Arden Kirkman

    I listened to the great interview today with Ron Ridenour, and kept wondering about Ron Ratner. They sound like the same person to me. I missed the name of his book, and will hope to find time to listen to the interview again. I frequently need or want to read or hear things twice. Anyway, he mentioned the cosmonaut Uri, and although I don’t have a quote from Uri, I do have a quote from astronaut Reinhard Furrer of the Federal Republic of Germany that I would like to share:

    “I would have wished that after my return people had asked me how it was out there. How I coped with the glistening blackness of the world and how I felt being a star that circled the Earth.” — Reinhard Furrer

    and here is a very poetic one from Miroslav Hermaszewski of Poland:

    “Weightlessness comes on abruptly. I soared as if I were inside a soap bubble. Like an infant in the womb of my spacecraft, still a child of my Mother Earth.” — Miroslav Hermaszewski

    Ron made me laugh with some of his own comments, and I may have some of this wrong, like “…twirts, tweets, tits, whatever….”

    Also, I appreciated “Is that a question?”, “And what was your question?”, “…you [Kevin] are not only an interviewer, you are a teacher.” And last, but not least, “Was there a question in all that?” and “What he [Trump] means is….” US policy is to dominate the world. And “So now this reality is becoming more clear, I think.”

    Kevin, after listening to your last interview with Greg Felton, and reading all the comments, I wanted to add a comment of my own that, again, you interrupted him so much that you perhaps missed what he was trying to say, at least what I think he may have been trying to say. He talks so nice and slow and clearly for “old Southern folks” like me, that I can hear everything he says, whether or not I wholly understand or perhaps agree with him on every point. I really appreciate that about him. As I have said before, you talk so fast, (because you are a Yankee – no, a Midwesterner) and are so knowledgeable about so many things, and are such a fast reader, (and I am such a slow reader) that I frequently can’t quite follow or hear all you say. In your recent interview with Elena Freeland, I rather appreciated her saying to you “well, if you didn’t read so fast, you might have….”, or something to that effect.

    I also wish you would ask Elana about 5g lightbulbs. After today’s interview with Ron, I am more concerned than ever about the LED lightbulbs I have recently bought – they came from Dollar Tree where they cost $1 apiece. And please pardon my skepticism and cynicism, but it often seems to me that stuff no one else wants is often pawned off on poor people. That doesn’t mean that one cannot also find good quality goods at Dollar Tree and Dollar General, too. Everyone is trying to make the world a better place, be more efficient, not waste, end war, help reunite children and parent refugees, end violence, protect our rights, etc., etc., etc. We are all in this world together trying to make it a better place, a world we all want.

    I will take a photograph of my new light bulbs and send it to you later. Also, I want to know where I can still buy the old, hot ones. I help heat my house in the winter with those light bulbs. They will take the awful chill out of rooms I don’t heat, and are warm to read by.

    Best to you. Take care. I really appreciate you, and all you do, and have felt that way ever since I “met” you at the DC Truth Emergency Conference at American University in July, 2005. I don’t mean to criticize, and one day, we’ll talk. Okay? I am good at speculating!

  2. A Kirkman

    I also should read the info on the site BEFORE I post my comment.

    Oh, and the electrician expert at Lowe’s assured me yesterday that my new LED lightbulbs are NOT 5G. I hope he knew what he was talking about. He also explained something about the street lights that I am concerned about, but I didn’t quite understand it enough to relay that here.

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