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Lynda Brayer: “Born Jewish, I moved to Israel…and finally accepted Islam”

Broadcast here July 4th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com.

Today’s guest Lynda Brayer writes:

“I am an Israeli qualified lawyer from the Hebrew University who went into public legal advocacy in favor of the Palestinians after having converted to Roman Catholicism here in Palestine aka Israel and founding a legal resource center under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church. My country of birth is South Africa and I was born into an orthodox Jewish family and came to Israel at nineteen – fifty one years ago …I think it was through my reading of the school of the sophia perennis that caused the penny to drop  for me with respect to Islam, and this after an excursus through Buddhism – Zen and Tibetan – and suddenly found myself confronted – FINALLY – by the heart of the matter – Tawhid – monotheism, ONE REALITY etc. And the message of course is anthropological – how to be fully human AS creatures of Allah ta’alah. This question of being human is most certainly not a given and we see that the West has completely trashed both the notion, the understanding and the praxis required from a correct understanding of being human.”

Among the topics we discuss are nominalism and the decline of the West; Jewish culture’s embrace of  splitting and separation rather than unity; and the Nazi holocaust narrative. Lynda Brayer says that as a trained lawyer, she needs to see serious evidence, preferably forensic evidence, if you want to convince her that a crime has been committed, and that in this case … well, just listen to the show!

Gilad Atzmon may be my favorite ex-Israeli, but Lynda Brayer has just become my favorite still-Israeli. Check out her article:

“Why I do not want to leave Palestine-Israel”

4 Thoughts to “Lynda Brayer: “Born Jewish, I moved to Israel…and finally accepted Islam””

  1. I always write OCCUPIED PALESTINE and never call this country "Israel"! I call that terrorist, racist, ethnic cleansing and apartheid entity of Israel a US military base in the heart of the Arab and Muslim world with OCCUPIED ARABIA (SAUDIA) as an accomplice in crime!

  2. Anonymous

    nearly 15 years ago the national alliance went out and protested israel's role in 9/11 yet you ignore them and fifteen years later your still trying to figure out who done it. release the 28 pages? you present every conceivable rabbit hole to confuse people except the one that would have prevented 911. yer 911 truth has led to even more more 911s

  3. Anonymous

    Hi Kevin,

    I have posted this online following the Brayer interview:

    I very much enjoyed this show with Linda Brayer. Thanks for bringing pantheism into the conversation.

    In her response to the idea that "we are God," Brayer emphasizes that we can seek "union with God" but that we are not God; she states that God is "something above and beyond" us. In Islamic terms, "union with God" is achieved through "submission to God." Part of this submission, in turn, seems to involve praising or worshiping God.

    As a pantheist, I would say that we are God but not entirely. Human consciousness, as Carl Jung observed, seems to be split between the ego mind and the divine mind. The ego mind, being temporal, is not God. But the divine mind, being timeless and thus the seat of intuition and wisdom, clearly is God. Jung said that our aim should be to "unify our consciousness" so that the ego is balanced by, or infused with, the divine.

    In this sense, I agree with Brayer that "union with God" is necessary, but I envision it happening within myself since I participate in the divine mind rather than happening "above and beyond" myself. I also agree that this union requires "submission to God" in the sense that one's ego must let go of its temporal whims and consciously accept and act upon the wisdom of the divine mind.

    As a pantheist, I would say that there is another sense in which we are God but not entirely. Although I don't conceive of God as a separate individual "above and beyond" creation, I do acknowledge that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I may be a part of God, but I can never be the whole, or the gestalt, that the many parts of the divine form in a unified quantum reality.

    In Indigenous terms, this whole is understood as the Great Mysterious. Thus it is treated with awe and approached with humility. I do not think, however, that this whole, or God, requires praise or worship. Such practices are, I believe, the result of locating God outside of oneself and outside of creation.

    Rather than praising God, we must embody God.

    From the heart,

  4. "As a pantheist, I would say that we are God but not entirely." – Rafiq

    "I agree with Brayer that "union with God" is necessary, but I envision it happening within myself since I participate in the divine mind rather than happening "above and beyond" myself." – Rafiq

    Some humans – for some weird reason – feel the need to be infatuated with their own species to the point of embracing nonsensical concepts. The worst part is that their unacknowledged egoistical arrogance and infatuation with their own species, is all wrapped up in false humility, fake love and misguiding spirituality.

    Rafiq's statements and understandings aside, I think that is the reason why Christians just can't let go of Jesus. They can't bring themselves to worship an unseen God, they have to have a human to adore as a detour to express their infatuation with their own selves.

    Regarding the need of some humans to be infatuated with their own species, just observe how entertainers of all kinds easily find millions of people to worship them on a regular basis.

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