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“Israel did 9/11” : Conversations with/about Alan Sabrosky

[Alan Sabrosky was my guest Tuesday 3/30 on The Kevin Barrett Show, 9-10 a.m. Pacific, right after Democracy Now – listen to the archive here.]

“I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.’ Period.
“The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise. If they lose this one, they’re done…..” – Alan Sabrosky 

Alan Sabrosky’s  forceful and unequivocal statement that the Israeli Mossad did 9/11 has sent shock waves through the 9/11 truth movement. Some have cheered his forthright honesty and heartfelt sincerity. Others are afraid of the PR blowback. A few have attacked Sabrosky, calling him a provocateur or even an anti-Semite, which seems odd since Sabrosky is part Jewish and obviously concerned for the welfare of Jewish Americans in the coming post-9/11-truth world.

A fellow academic I respect recently emailed me suggesting that Alan Sabrosky’s work struck him as “racist” (i.e. anti-Semitic). I responded that I saw no evidence of racism in Sabrosky’s work. The fellow academic responded: “Seems like racism — I realize the language is designed to avoid that implication but you know it when you smell it.”

My reply:

Sounds like that Supreme Court justice’s famous definition of pornography: “I know it when I see it!”

While this, like other fallacious arguments, isn’t necessarily wrong, it barely even rises to the level of a fallacy, since it explicitly opts out of rational-empirical discourse altogether: “I just know you’re a racist even though I can’t explain how anything you said or did was racist.” That would be a pretty weak defense in a libel suit.

Having seen nothing to suggest that Alan is racist, I wonder why you would think and say that. One possible explanation: Those who verbally attack Israel and Zionism are routinely smeared as racists by Zionist apologists, who have been forced to defend the indefensible by developing a gargantuan edifice of irrational and deceptive rhetorical techniques which are themselves ultimately based in pro-Jewish racism–the notion of a genetically/biologically identifiable “chosen people” with special rights, beginning with the special right to Palestine. (See M. Shahid Alam’s Israeli Exceptionalism.) This irrational and mendacious mythos, redolent with bad faith, completely dominates Western discourse on the question of Zionism. Might you be an unconscious participant?

Ironically, Dr. Sabrosky himself has just published a new article on anti-Semitism. My response:

Good article!

(Quoting Sabrosky): “The oddity is that as individuals without an organized Jewish state, what one sees is admirable achievements instead of aggressive abominations. Without a Jewish state, the dark side of Judaism has no way to express itself, so the admirable side of the Jewish cultural coin — and there is a great deal to admire — shines instead. Getting there without a catastrophe is our task in the years ahead.”

The admirable side of Judaism — skeptical, questioning, iconoclastic, and genuinely ethical/idealistic — may have grown out of the core story “We’re waiting for Zion and the Messiah, but they aren’t here yet.”  If so, perhaps those who embrace the state of Israel as their false god have lost this story, and are now atheists and/or idolators.

Douglas Rushkoff’s book on Judaism celebrates many of these good qualities. His take on Judaism resonates with mine on Islam.  I interviewed him on this a few months ago, archived at .

Looking forward to our conversation next Tuesday!


18 Thoughts to ““Israel did 9/11” : Conversations with/about Alan Sabrosky”

  1. Anonymous

    “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel then we bring up the holocaust. When in this country US) people are criticizing Israel then they are antisemitic. And the organization (Israel Lobby) is very strong and has lot of money. And the ties between Israel and american estab- Jewish establishment are very strong – and they are strong in this country as you know. And they have power which is ok.” – Former Israeli cabinet minister, Shulamit Aloni (born 1928), during her August 14, 2002 interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!

    Hatred toward Jews (aka anti-semitism) have existed since the birth of Christianity, over 2000 years ago. Jewish communities have a long history of persecution and expulsion in almost every western country. However, the term has not been used as a political too by the Zionist world until the 1967 war. After Israel’s humiliating military setback against Lebanese Islamic Resistance group Hizbollah in 2006 and Israel’s deminishing PR abroad and after the 23-day genocide of Gaza people during Dec.-Jan. 2009 – have made the Jewish lobby groups and pro-Israel governments in the US, France, Canada and Germany very nervous. In their desperation they have geared up the false accusation of anti-semitism as a weapon to silence the criticism of Israel’s Nazi behaviour.

  2. Anonymous

    I am a former academic guy so I know a little about Jews (understatement). Most Jews in the US and Israel have no more idea what really happened on 9/11 than we do. When we say "Jews are very powerful" we are talking about a few hundred men, NOT the Jews we know. Most Jews fear that if the truth gets out and implicates even a few Israelis, even as passive observers, then the rest of us will turn on the Jews who had nothing to do with it. We must make it clear at all times that our problem is with the government of Israel, not with the Jews. Our main problem is with our OWN government; if we fix that, Israel will not be OUR problem at all. Dr. Ron Paul can cure our Israeli Disease simply by teaching us to mind our own business.
    -Richard G

  3. Anonymous

    Above said: "Most Jews in the US and Israel have no more idea what really happened on 9/11 than we do."

    Bullshit. The Jews know what's going on, every jew knows what's up. Jews are the most politically oriented people in the world. Ask yourself why that is. The fact is that Jews are and always will be totally self-centered and selfish. When the presidential election was going on the Jews weren't asking "Is Barrack Obama good for America?" … they were asking "Is Barrack Obama good for the Jews?" If people unjustly resent ordinary Jews because of the actions of their elite brethren in Israel and America, then why don't they denounce them and show their opposition to them? No, they won't do that though. They secretly cheer their elite brethren on.

    "Dr. Ron Paul can cure our Israeli Disease simply by teaching us to mind our own business."

    By "we" I assume you mean the US gov't. Well the reason "we" don't mind our own business with regards to Israel is because American Jewry has hijacked the American Government. The Jewish lobby controls America. They are an enemy within. Always plotting and scheming to undermine the pillars of the city. Without the Jews in America the american public wouldn't even be able to point out Israel on a map.

  4. This makes me so sad to read. "Anonymous", I have to strongly disagree with your statement that all Jews are "totally self centered & selfish". I am blessed to have more than one Jewish friend (Sephardic and Orthodox) that have shown me nothing but kindness and generosity for over 15 years. In fact, I would dare to say that their generosity far exceeds what many of my other "friends" might ever even consider even if they posessed greater resources and wealth. Please STOP lumping all Jews together. Do some research and if you are thorough you will find that Israels government and 90% of the banking cartel members are Ashkenazi Jews or Khazarians from Khazar from what is now called Georgia.
    They were a warring mongrel nation and only converted to Judiasm so that they would increase commerce between the Christian and Muslim countries by remaining "nuetral". Thiers was a business decision and had absolutely nothing to do with spirituality or religion ~ it was a business decision. Many Hassidic, Sephardic and Orthodox Jews have suffered and died because of the horrible deeds of these peoples, and they are taking to the streets in protest in Israel on many occassions trying to bring attention to this issue. These Ashkenazi Jews comprise most of the Israeli government and over 90% of the banking cartel elite, i.e. Rothchild (which is an "adopted" name, Rockefeller, Lehman, Goldman, Sachs, etc..
    And they have been linked with the Illuminati and Satanism and Luciferianism.
    They are an evil people and they do seek world dominance but let me repeat myself again ~ THEY ARE NOT TRUE JEWS. They are NOT G-ds chosen ones and they are NOT direct descendants of Abraham.

  5. I have to "strongly" disagree with the comment "Anonymous" made regarding ALL Jews are selfish and totally self centered. My best friend is a Sephardic Jew and I have other Jewish friends that have consistently shown me nothing but generosity and love. Please stop lumping Jews together. Many Sephardic and Orthodox Jews are even protesting the Zionist Jews and denouncing what they are doing in Israel and Palestine. It is the Zionist Jews whom are predominantly Khazarian (from Khazar) Jews that comprise the government in Isreal and ALL of the known Zionist Jews that are the banking cartel, i.e. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Etc… If you do your homework, you will find that these Ashkenazi Jews are Asiatic and are not direct descendants of Abraham. They are from a warring country and made the decision to convert to Judiasm as a matter of commerce and not for any spiritual or religous reasons. It was a business decision. Even recent DNA studies show that their chromosomes are less inclined to show the "Jew" gene that other Jewish peoples possess even after 700 years of marrying into true Jewish families. These Ashkenazi Jews were involved in the Holocaust from the inside and some even held prominent positions withing Hitlers regime. They themselves tortured and persecutedthe true Jews because they want to replace them. They are the peoples that have given Jews such a bad name and reputation. They are not G-ds chosen people and the true Jews know it. They are the reason people hate Jews because they represent a false "figure head" of who the Jewish people really are. Do not be fooled!!! Do your homework.

  6. Carolyn

    The first Anonymous said:
    Hatred toward Jews (aka anti-semitism) have existed since the birth of Christianity, over 2000 years ago. Jewish communities have a long history of persecution and expulsion in almost every western country.

    I am so sick of hearing that. It is the Jewish excuse for being the way they are: self-centered and self-serving.

    The third Anonymous said: When the presidential election was going on the Jews weren't asking "Is Barrack Obama good for America?" … they were asking "Is Barrack Obama good for the Jews?"

    This is the reason Jews have been expelled from "almost every Western Country," not because Christians hated them for religious reasons. Jews were BAD citizens and harmed the native people, and because the Christians were at that time powerful, populous and in control, they could kick them out. Now the Jews are powerful and in control and we can't kick them out. But they still crying about their persecution.

    No wonder so many don't like them. It's not anti-Semitism, it's Jewish behavior! Look at how they behave in Israel — that's how they would behave everywhere if they could. If that's not true, let them change.

  7. The above argument is a half-truth at best. As various people from Mark Twain to Maurice Bucke have noted, Jews have actually been relatively good citizens in many if not most times and places. (The elites involved in usury and other forms of organized crime have always been a small proportion of the population.) Mark Twain pointed out that due to talent, a good work and education ethic, and perhaps a bit of nepotism, Jews have tended to outcompete the goyim in many economic activities, and this is the main real-world basis of anti-Semitism. It's the same old market-dominant-minority situation we see playing out with Chinese minorities in Indonesia and Malaysia. Asking people to change their behavior by being less successful is kind of silly. Jewish competitive success in the media wouldn't bother me if it weren't for the way it distorts US foreign policy and contributes to the Palestinian genocide and the larger war on Islam supporting that genocide.

  8. Carolyn

    So April, are you saying that "true Jews" are G-ds chosen ones because they are direct descendants of Abraham? Are you expecting non-Jews to buy into that bs?

  9. carolyn

    For every Mark Twain (humorist, not an expert on Jews) and Maurice Bucke (obscure psychiatrist) you can name, I could name twenty who say differently.

    I would say that your argument/final comment that "Jewish competitive success in the media wouldn't bother me if it weren't for the way it distorts US foreign policy and contributes to […] genocide and […] war […] supporting that genocide" is pretty funny. You should contemplate that for awhile and compare it to your earlier statment that "talented" Jews simply out-compete Goys, making them jealous. That is what is a "half-truth, at best."

    Jews control the media absolutely. They do that on purpose and with a purpose. They control Hollywood. They're also close to absolutely controlling Academia. They are very powerful in the Judiciary, and also more and more in government and Congress. And our country is going to hell. It was Jews that destroyed Russia and turned it into the USSR. Is that being good citizens? Very few Jews are good citizens, though some are.

    And I wonder why you don't rebuke Anonymous #3, but you do rebuke me.

  10. Carolyn

    Turning to your radio interview with Dr. Alan Sabrosky, I congratulate you on the best radio program you have ever done. There was great rapport between you and Dr. Sabrosky, who came across as a thoughtful, very decent man and an authority on his subject matter. Every word that was spoken was important and carried dense information. I will listen to it many more times, and of course I am recommeding it to everyone I know. It was a conversation between two sensible, brave men who care about the truth of a world-changing event. It's odd that we don't get much of that, isn't it.

    Many thanks.

  11. Anonymous

    Profoundly powerful indictment of Zionist war criminals instigation and perpetration of 9/11.

    You were great in naming neocons and did not play devil's advocate but that of a midwife.

    I think it was your most salient program, and call-ins would have been a mistaken use of time.

    Your judgment was perfect too!

  12. Anonymous

    Just to be clear, if everyone voted like American Jews did in 2000 George W. Bush wouldn't have been elected president.

    George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld aren't Jewish to my knowledge. In fact W. loudly and repeatedly proclaimed himself a Christian, and Don Rumsfeld was kind enough to include psalms from the Christian Bible in his war planning Power Point presentations.

    Are you so naive as to believe that Israel is somehow the world's puppeteer and the rest are all just marionettes? Take a good look in the mirror before you start throwing stones.

    Did Israel also kill the Kennedys and Martin Luther King Jr? How about the millions of Vietnamese that were whacked by the US war machine? Was Nixon wearing a yarmulke when he bombed Cambodia in violation of international law?

    Pin the blame on Israel all you want, but links to 9/11 are equally apparent from criminal elements within countries including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and yes, the Good Old US of A.

    I agree that the US should stop writing checks to Israel until they stop their illegal activities. But don't forget that under the terms of international law there is a good case to be made that the invasion of Iraq was illegal as well. And if you do the body count, people killed on the orders of the alleged Christians in the White House and the Pentagon vastly outnumber Palestinians killed by Israelis. Or Jews for that matter.

  13. March 30, 2010

    Kevin Barrett interviews Alan Sabrosky whose forceful and unequivocal statement that the Israeli Mossad did 9/11 sent shock waves through the 9/11 truth movement. Some have cheered his forthright honesty and heartfelt sincerity. Others are afraid of the PR blowback. A few have attacked Sabrosky, calling him a provocateur or even an anti-Semite, which seems odd since Sabrosky is part Jewish and obviously concerned for the welfare of Jewish Americans in the coming post-9/11-truth world.

    Audio Available Here

  14. Anonymous

    Yep. That all works. Fits together with Bollyn, PTECH, white vans dancing art students, tv consultants and important dual citizens in choke points keeping the story line etc etc,
    But this had to be 50/50 with forces within. The E4B overflight incontrovertible evidence of 'mother' watching.
    Remember , In the middle of JerUSAlem, is the USA.

  15. The people who control Israel are responsible. They also effectively control our government. Their proxies we called "neocons". This isn't about relgion, its about empire, what the British Empire became.

  16. Anonymous

    Surely the best fit is that Mossad was the hired assassin as the outcome suited both governments and kept the fewest people in the loop.Best friends doing favours.
    On 9/11 generally, it seems that there are a lot of scientists running around with their own agendas and some of these people you wouldn't even trust in the kitchen (half joke). It didn't take a scientist to prove that the emperor was naked. All people have to do is sit down and look at the videos and see with their own eyes – sitting them down to look being the hard part.It's the masses that need to be convinced.
    Kevin, you are the best communicator I have heard on this subject. Great show.
    Peter ( a listener from England )

  17. Anonymous

    At the risk of double post:
    That all works. Fits together with Mr Bollyn, PTECH, Odigo, white vans dancing art students, office space hurriedly emptied, quick flights from JFK when no one else allowed, tv consultants and important dual citizens in a network of choke points keeping the story line down etc.[commission.NIST Kroll etal]
    But this had to be 50/50 with forces within. The E4B overflight incontrovertible evidence of 'mother' watching. Because Mother WAS watching.
    Remember , In the middle of JerUSAlem, is the USA.

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