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Zionist war on Islam is also a war on America

From Asia Times:

“The other regional players [read China] are busily setting the stage for exploitation of Afghanistan’s natural resources, while the US remains bogged down with the war. This should change,” (former CIA Pakistan Station Chief Milton) Bearden said (to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee).

Two weeks ago, when the Associated Press broke the story, it quoted leading American think-tanker and author, Robert Kaplan, “The world isn’t fair. A worse outcome to staying and helping the Chinese would be withdrawing and losing a great battle in the war against radical Islam.”

Here we have two clashing views: the former American, the latter Zionist. The American, Milton Bearden, who oversaw the US-Islamist alliance against Soviet imperial-colonial repression of the Muslims of Central Asia during the 1980s, realizes that the war in Afghanistan, like the war in Iraq, is completely, self-destructively insane when considered from the standpoint of the U.S. national interest. The latter, Robert Kaplan, a Jewish Zionist agent who once wrote a virtual Mossad dossier on those Americans smart enough to learn Arabic and support the Arab anti-Zionist cause, doesn’t care if the US destroys itself while destroying Af-Pak. The only thing Kaplan cares about is the “great battle in the war against radical Islam.” That war, of course, is a war for Israel.

Anybody who has taken Geopolitics 101 knows that the prime US foreign policy objective is to prevent the rise of a nation or bloc that could dominate the Eurasian land mass. The rising nation today is China, a new superpower with a 10% growth rate. And the dangerous (to US interests) bloc is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which adds Russian energy resources and nuclear weapons to the mix.

If it were rationally pursuing its own interests, the U.S. would be trying to help other powers act as counterweights to the development of a potentially hostile Eurasian bloc. The only sensible way to do that would be to support “radical Islam,” not fight it. Let me explain why.

When the Zionists and their dupes speak of “radical Islam,” what they really mean is not the crazy, isolated terrorist groups, most of them run by Mossad and other Zionist-influenced intelligence agencies, that target their fellow Muslims. What the Zionists are mortally afraid of is the Islamic world becoming politically united and economically and technologically successful.

The movement to rebuild the Islamic nation, the umma, is supported by a strong majority of Muslims worldwide: “Two-thirds (of of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims) would even like to ‘unify all Islamic counties into a single Islamic state or caliphate.'” (

If the US really wants to support democracy in the Middle East, it should throw its support behind that majority of Muslims, and help pave the road to a newly-united Islamic umma. A newly-united caliphate would be the natural ally of the US, which would help it control and protect its energy resources against possible threats from energy-hungry China and nuclear-armed Russia and India. A newly-empowered, US-allied caliphate would use its oil wealth to become one of the world’s top three superpowers, alongside the US and China, ahead of Russia and India. It would be a key stabilizing force in a peaceful multi-polar world order. And it would be, among the big powers, the closest US ally.

Why isn’t the US actively helping the world’s Muslims re-unite their umma? Why is the US in fact fighting a brutal and deceptive war to smash and destroy key parts of the Muslim world, and to prevent any such reunification and re-empowerment?

The answer is obvious: This war on Islam is being waged by a fanatical minority of Zionists who have used their power in finance, media, political money, and organized crime to essentially take over the US and turn it against its own interests, as well as the interests of the world’s Muslims.

The Zionists know that if Muslims gain even a tiny fraction of the power they ought to have, relative to their proportion of the world’s population, Israel as a Jewish apartheid state is finished.

That is why the heavily-Zionist-influenced media churns out Islamophobic fantasies 24/7/365. And that is why the Zionists have duped the U.S. into a war on Islam, disguised as a self-evidently-absurd “war on terror,” launched by the 9/11 coup d’etat.

 It is time for patriotic Americans to rise up and overthrow the Zionist facist regime that overthrew our government and burned our Constitution on September 11th, 2001. And it is time for Americans to demand a rational foreign policy that takes account of American interests, rather than being subservient to the interests of Zionism.

3 Thoughts to “Zionist war on Islam is also a war on America”

  1. If you think Bin Laden did 9/11 and is therefore a bad guy, you're obviously not a 9/11 truth supporter and should join the treasonous "debunking" blog you linked.

    As for me, I agree with the vast majority of the world's Muslims in supporting the goals of al-Qaeda while not believing that they did 9/11, and not supporting attacks on civilians:

  2. Anonymous Screwloosechanger: "I am very much a 9/11 Truth advocate. However, I am not a terrorist like you are trying to get people to be. Regardless of whether or not America's imperialism is wrong, and Muslims are justified in opposing America's policies, the last thing the 9/11 Truth Movement needs is to be made to look like a terrorist. Unless you are an absolute fool, you should be able to see the ramifications of that. Maybe you don't. Maybe that's why you're here. To make the 9/11 Truth Movement look like terrorists."

    Are you as stupid as your ungrammatical writing makes you sound? I just said I don't support attacks on civilians. Therefore, unlike everybody who pays US income taxes and thereby funds the massacre of millions of civilians, I am not a supporter and funder of terrorism. You, however, sound like a supporter of state terrorism, which is the only meaningful terrorism on earth. States killed 100 million civilians in the 20th century, while non-state terrorists kill fewer people than do bathtubs and lightning bolts. For the details, read my book:

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