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My interview on What Really Happened Radio today@ 5pm Central

I’ll be interviewed by Michael Rivero of WhatReallyHappened today at 5 pm Central.

Mike “I Am Blogger Hear Me Roar” Rivero is a key figure in the biggest communications revolution since Gutenberg. His truth-telling news-and-commentary website,, is one of the big three (along with Rense and Alex Jones).

My interview with Mike Rivero, who has done so much to put the lying mainstream media out of business, comes at an interesting moment. As the mainstream media continues its slide toward complete moral as well as fiscal bankruptcy, Editor and Publisher reported yesterday that the newspaper owners are whining to Congress and looking for a handout from the taxpayers.

Defenders of the mainstream media claim that only professional mainstream media journalists actually produce news stories, while bloggers like Rivero (and yours truly) parasitically spin those stories, which were produced by the hard work of others.

The problem with that argument is…well, for starters, more than 95% of mainstream media stories are complete garbage: rewritten press releases, fluff pieces, infotainment, lies, and so on. The output of the mainstream media is completely worthless to normal people, who have limited time at their disposal, unless someone like Mike Rivero sifts through it and finds the important stuff.

But even the 5% of mainstream stories that are important are published without any historical context by which readers could make sense of them. And what little historical context is supplied, whether directly in the story itself, or indirectly by the way the mainstream media frames all its stories, is wildly distorted at best, a pack of lies at worst.

Mike Rivero, with his trenchant and often humorous commentaries, and his archiving of important contextual material overlooked by the mainstream, offers his readers and listeners the kind of historical context they need to makes sense of the news.

Keep on roaring, Mike!

2 Thoughts to “My interview on What Really Happened Radio today@ 5pm Central”

  1. Punxsutawneybarney at Youtube has called for you, Kevin, to "Go to Your Room". It looks to me like in expressing your adherence to Rense and WhatReallyHappened you are doing just that. Enjoy! And let me know your address so I can send you that subscription to MAD Magazine to sustain your intellectual spark in your exile.

  2. Hey, congratulations on the tribute to you in the new "Fame" movie, Kevin! Paul McGill had previously played a young Philippe Petit in "Man on Wire", so there's a definite 9/11 connection. In "Fame" Paul plays Kevin Barrett, a guy desperate to "light up the sky" who struggles bravely with his challenges. Inspiring stuff!

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