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Attack of the Mockingbirds

Imagine the nastiest attack scene in Hitchcock’s film The Birds. Then imagine that the killer birds are all mockingbirds…as in Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s media control division.

That’s what it feels like every year in early September, as official propagandists swoop down on us “conspiracy theorists” in squawking flocks, depositing their ridiculous little turds of BS (birdsh*t) in our hair and trying to peck out all eyes that believe what they see, rather than what the authorities tell them.

The mockingbird attack began with the predictably awful National Geographic TV hit piece.

The birds then turned their sharp little beaks on Alex Jones, trying to peck him to death in the pages of Psychology Ptoday.

It continued yesterday with the gang-flocking of Van Jones, the Obama advisor who had had the audacity to sign the 2004 9/11 truth statement calling for a real investigation of the bloodiest crime in American history.

And today it hit the funny pages, as Skull-and-Bones member G.B. Trudeau, a longtime controlled-opposition operative, delivered a dollop of anti-9/11-truth propaganda completely devoid of wit. (I’m referring to his September 6th Doonesbury strip.) Trudeau comes from an elite background and apparently joined Skull and Bones in 1970, then began inflicting CIA propaganda on the American mind-controlled “left” after graduating from Yale in 1973.

And me, I’ve been swatting baby mockingbirds like mosquitos. The controlled opposition pseudo-truthers have been all over me, and all over Sander Hicks for inviting me to the We Demand Transparency conference in New York, 9/11 – 9/13. Just today, some nutball who goes by has been repeatedly spamming me and more than 270 other 9/11 truth people with Islamophobic garbage including vicious attacks on me and attempts to blame Bin Laden and other Muslims for the Mossad’s controlled demolition of the World Trade Center.

Infowarriors, I hope you’ve stocked up on birdshot!

8 Thoughts to “Attack of the Mockingbirds”

  1. Kevin, for the Mossad to try to blow up the World Trade Center would be absolute lunacy, because if the plot were discovered it would destroy Israel.

    They're way too smart to get involved in anything involving W and Rumsfeld–unless they're betting on them to fail.

    I wish you were smarter, Kev. Then you wouldn't stepping into obvious cowpies like Willie Rodriguez and TV fakery and Mossad-did-9/11 and CIT that make Truthers look like yokels.

  2. Guess what, asshat – WE KNOW.

    Consider Israel destroyed. Dismantle your settlements, tear down your synagogues, and GTFO of Palestine, with all due haste.

    Ditto for the U.S. of A. – you're no longer welcome, parasites.

    Kevin…see you at the conference.

  3. How are we to take Kevin's word for it when he's such an incompetent scholar he can't even honestly discuss his own writings in the past ten days?

    The causes of 9/11 Truth and the Palestinians' quest for justice are only harmed by conflating them–only complicated unnecessarily and hindered. People who let their emotions run away with them and who can't seem to recognize their own bigotry have no business representing either movement on the political scene.

  4. Snug bug, you're pathetic. You're like a little kid that won't shut up. Kevin can say whatever he wants to say about Sep 11. My god, if you don't like it, move on. I sincerely doubt you're going to somehow "shame" him into following whatever your particular opinion is on that event.

  5. Kevin can, and does, say whatever he wants. As long as he makes the Truth movement look bad, I'm going to do damage control–trying to make mainstream people understand that he does not represent the truth movement and pointing out the irrational and destructive nature of his ideas in hopes that few will be misled by him.

  6. So Kev, is your "birdshot" remark more of your "gallows humor" or are you advocating responding to official propagandists and your opposition with shotguns as it appears?

  7. Good article, Kevin. It's interesting to hear what you go through! Snug bug can't have a job unless he's paid to blog–hmm?

  8. Hmmm, is Kev paid to blog? His goofy stuff has been hurting the causes he claims to support and serving the cause of the Zionist neocons for a long time.

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